बुधवार, 5 अगस्त 2015

Flexibility of Desi Milk

Flexibility of Desi Milk

Desi cow milk can be used to make high quality desi products; desi ghee, dahi, shreekhand, chaach, chhena, malai and khoa. Sweets made of organic desi milk products have nutritional value.
Some of the Benefits of Desi Cow Milk and its different products are:
  • As per Ayurvedic treatment, Cow Ghee helps in the growth and development of Children’s brain
  • Regular consumption increases good (HDL) cholesterol (and not bad LDL cholestrol)
  • Stimulates digestion and aids absorption of fat soluble vitamins
  • An excellent all round anti-ageing vegetarian food & external applicant on the skin
The components in Desi Cow milk are so flexible and rich in Vitamins that simply drinking milk can easily compensate nutritional component of a missed balance diet.
  • It has amino acids which make its protein easily digestible
  • It is good for kidney
  • It is a rich source of Vitamins like A, B2 and B3  which help increasing immunity
  • Desi Cow Milk helps in reducing acidity
  • Reduces chances of peptic ulcer
  • Helps in reducing chances of colon, breast and skin cancer
  • Desi Cow milk prevents the formation of serum cholesterol

Scalability of Cattle Farming and Profits

A living Cow makes you millionaire while a dead Cow in the form of meat help in weakening the economy and rise in the number of patients. Beef eating give rise to several diseases, ailments – cardiovascular diseases, alzheimer’s disease, indigestion, acidity, liver failure, colon cancer, heart strokes, and highly possible epidemic like mad cow.
To consider cattle business as profitable source of income, we have to factor in other benefits associated with desi cattle; dung, urine and labor.
Common pathogens of beef: salmonella, serovars, shigella, staphylococcus, aureus, listeria and monocytogenes. Every year in the United States, 6.5 million to 33 million cases of illness are diagnosed due to microbial pathogens which occur due to just raw meat (imagine the deteriorating impact when the same meat is intake in the form of food), with about 900,000 deaths occurring annually as well. According to a multi-state study published in the America Journal of Preventative Medicine, the annual cost of disease caused by meat food borne pathogens is estimated to be anywhere from 9.3 to 12.9 billion dollars in medical costs and productivity losses. Most of these diseases come from contact with contaminated raw meat (which include beef), although other “vehicles of transmission” are becoming more and more frequent due to global travel. However, the main source of disease caused by microbial pathogens is usually raw meat (beef, etc). The type of pathogen present varies depending on the type of meat eaten.


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