शनिवार, 10 मई 2014

Cow Dung Economy: Fertilizer, Cheap Fuel, Rich Harvest, Prosperity!

What is despised of today by giving it the name of “dung-economy” is in fact the nucleus of prosperity of the Indian people. And that is why our ancient economists have described dung as the abode of wealth and prosperity and thereby impressed upon the unique utility of dung in relation to the Indian economy.
If we accept the concept that dung is the nucleus of our prosperity and has no substitute, the following will follow:
- Fertilizer will be cheaply available to us.
- Food grains can be produced and made available at reasonable rates.
- Our soil will retain its fertility.
- Cheap fuel will be available to the masses.
- Cheap housing can be provided in the rural areas.
- Our ancient system of medicine i.e. Ayurveda cannot subsist in the absence of dung and the absence of dung has put in peril the health in particular of our women.
I bow in reverence to such obliging ruminants on behalf of humankind!
With growing age, an animal may become useless for milk production, field work or for breeding. However, its age is never a detriment to its service of providing dung.
By unfrittered breeding of cattle, the government has snatched away the availability of precious dung from the people and pushed the entire population in the dungeon of starvation, drought, poverty and chaos in all spheres of life.
And hence, Oh! my fellow countrymen, awake, rise and call for a halt to the government machinery and order them to reverse the policy which they have set in to snatch away the precious wealth of dung from our life.
As a result of disruption in the availability of dung, we have suffered on many fronts, like:
1. Food grains have become costly and without the required nutritional value.
2. Loss of soil fertility.
3. Diminished opportunity to practice several vocations for both Hindu and Muslim population.
4. The health of crores of women in the country at peril
5. Our religious rights snatched away.
6. Ayurveda, our ancient system of medicine has suffered a severe blow
7. Fuel has become scarce and costlier.
8. Ash of dung very valuable to us is not available now.
9. The flow of passing on lessons of rich experience from one generation to the other has stopped.
10.Our forests are gradually being destroyed.
11.Many social evils like addiction to liquor have become widespread.
12.An acute scarcity of residential houses.

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