What is the value of cattle dung? Does this question still need an answer after this series of articles?!
The value of dung is really great. It’s much more than even the famous Kohinoor diamond. Not sure?! Read on!
“How is it viable to maintain an old bullock which consumes grass of Rs 700 in a year and in return gives dung and urine worth only Rs 500?”
How absurd, unscientific and hollow this argument is, is clear from what is described below.
The market price for any commodity can be manipulated (i.e. increased or decreased) by speculation and hoarding, by administrative measures, or by similar calculated action.
But this cannot alter its value.
Grass can be priced as Rs 1 per kg or Rs 5 per kg also. But its value as the means to help animals to survive, to feed them and to give them strength cannot be altered.
The stalk of food grain plants which becomes useless after removal of food grains from it, is the food for animals. When this useless stalk is returned by animals in the form of their dung, its value is astonishing.
Even an old bullock gives 5 tons of dung and 3,443 pounds of urine in a year, which can help in the manufacture of 20 cart loads of compost manure.
For cultivating jowar and bajra on dry land, 5 carts of compost manure is required for each acre.
Thus, the compost manure provided by one single old bullock can meet the manure need for 4 acres of land.
On irrigated land with the help of such manure, about 2,800 to 3,600 kg of bajra can be grown on 4 acres of land and where irrigation facility is not available, the yield can be about 1,500 to 1,600 kg. This can feed about 10 to 12 human beings throughout a year.
Thus there is a wide difference between concepts of price and value. Whether the food grain is priced at Rs 1 per 10 kg or Rs 10 per 1 kg, it does not affect the intrinsic value of the food grains. Its value lies in the utility of providing nutrition and life to human beings.
The right to life is a fundamental right and it can be basically protected only with proper food and feeding. And the cheap and nutritious food grains required for feeding can be grown with the help of dung.
Thus, the most fundamental thing to the fundamental right of living for the human beings is bovine dung.
It is absolutely foolish to evaluate this function of dung in monetary terms.
A servant employed by us, has to be paid wages for his labor. He demands wage rise, he also demands bonus, he resorts to strike if bonus is less than his expectation, and also abuses the employer.
But our servants in the form of these dumb cattle do not demand any wages from us, do not demand any wage rise or bonus.
They survive on whatever we offer them to feed, and in return even favor us with a bonus in the form of most valuable dung.
And still we are after the blood, meat, hides and skin of such animals and for that we slaughter them alive. We do not wait till they die their natural death to get their hides and skin.
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